A very insightful and important assessment! I can’t believe more people are not following you!

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I’m going to post a link to this essay on Facebook.

BTW, one factor not mentioned in this analysis is that the MAGA movement and other fascist takeovers aim to wear down their opponents. I am interested in Michael Podhorzer’s take on that, including what he may know about successful attempts to overcome that. Also I wonder whether his comment about strong resistance during the Trump presidency compared to demoralization afterward reflect a historical tendency for people to fight back hard when they are under withering assault, i.e., resistance movements during wars.

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Calling MAGA a 'fascist movement' is totally absurd and delusional. Only Neo-Marxist twits like Mike Podhorzer and his manacle fans could believe such total bullshit.

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That this MAGA movement is a fascist movement is undeniable and many parallels can be found between the NAZI movement in Germany and the current situation here, in America. It is important to remember that the NAZI party never won a majority of the voters. Thank you for this comprehensive article.

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This article by the top conspirator in rigging the 2020 presidential election is simply delusional garbage

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Thanks for the excellent article. The question I have as an average citizen of the US who does not want our country to descend into Fascism is... what do we as citizens do? Many of us have endured not just the shock of what was done to this country during the Trump years, followed by the literal re-writing of history, the demise of women's right to choose, and our own family members descending into MAGA-ism that has torn our families apart. We believe, like you, that this country is facing an existential threat from a powerful minority whose policies and opinions will serve only them. So what do we do - besides vote? Help us think about what we can do as citizens to make a difference. My frustration is that no one offers a view on how to solve this. We all know that trying to persuade MAGAs that they are in a parallel universe is totally hopeless. So how do we change this?

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The existential threat that America faces is from the corrupt Biden regime which has destroyed the American economy and promoted the invasion of some 10 million illegal aliens to flood into the United States since the regime took over. Many of these aliens have been found to be Middle Eastern jihadists --who are critically dangerous now that Hamas has attacked Israel.

Wake the hell up you delusional fools!!

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Thanks for such an astute and comprehensive analysis of the bipartisan malaise that enervates much of our political class. I hope it gets the wide circulation it deserves. I’ve been saying to anyone who will listen that we need to demand from our political elites a sustained, full-throated opposition to the MAGA movement in all its manifestations. Your inclusion within the “political class” of mainstream media, opinionators, and non-partisan foundations, along with most Democratic politicians, is, sadly, more accurate.

I hope you will welcome a small correction to the sentence immediately preceding your headline, “Ignoring the ‘Hell No’ Voter.” The link connects to an essay by Dan Froomkin, not Jay Rosen, although Rosen has also recently written an insightful press critique here.

Keep up the good work!


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Thanks, Lee!

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Great article! Not in a battleground state but working hard in Texas to register more voters! Please check your county election department website if you’d like more info about being a Volunteer Deputy Registrar, and let me know if you’re in the Dallas area and interested in opportunities.

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